About Subsign The team behind the electronic signature

Subsign is a software service developed by OBJECT ECM AGin Zurich. OBJECT has extensive experience in the implementation of complex software projects in the areas of Enterprise Content (ECM/DMS) and Business Process Management (BPM/Workflows). From this expertise, we have developed Subsign, a state-of-the-art signature service that offers the highest quality and reliability.
As part of our commitment to the highest standards, we have chosen proven and well-known partners with whom we have worked successfully for many years. Bureau Displaysupports us in the design and user interaction of the portal, AXin the frontend development and Swisscom Trust Services AG, which can serve both eIDAS (Europe) and ZertES (Switzerland), is our Electronic Signature & Seal provider.
Subsign, the portal for electronic Signatures is the result of our passion for software design and development. We are proud to have created a portal that is easy to use, yet offers extensive possibilities in a sophisticated way.

Team & Partner

Core Team
Oliver Huser
Boris Holowka
Product Owner
Stephan Poschetzky
Software Architect
Kevin Brunner
Development Lead


2018Idea of the platform and first conceptions
2019Partnership with Swisscom Trust Services AG and development of first integrations
2020Design of CI/CD/UX, development of the backend, security concepts, first tests
2021Further development of backend (SOA), start of frontend development
2022Testing, optimizations, bug fixing, audits, go-live version 1.0, first customer feedbacks
2023Introduction of multilingualism, implementation of various FRs, go-live in DE and AT
2024Batch processing, white label version and further feature enhancements
We are continuously committed to improving and developing our service to provide the best possible experience for our customers.
Subsign - The Portal for Electronic Signaturesthroughout Europe and Switzerland. Conceived, designed and developed in Zurich.

Would you like to learn more about the electronic signature? We will be happy to tell you more about online document signing.